
Theyyam: The divine dance from gods own country

Let me Reblog my post on “theyyam” which was published in “Life In Russia” yesterday here,

Life in Russia

Do you ever get a feeling when you see an amazing picture, maybe a bit of Deja vu, maybe some goosebumps for some unknown reason, that you’ve been there before or the photos you are looking at come from some other worldly place. I knew when I first saw Sreejith’s work that he has an amazing eye. Very few photographers are able to catch the moment with such realism and yet with a bit of mystery. I am so honored to present his work and blog here on “Life in Russia”. You can find more of his work here: Santiago the Shepherd

The Gods in Action


Have you ever got a chance to see gods in action?

They descent to earth, dance to the drum beats and talks to you…

It’s sheer magic that unfolds right in front of your eyes when you are watching a “theyyam” dancer performs.


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28 thoughts on “Theyyam: The divine dance from gods own country”

  1. Excellent photos…excellent post Sreejith, you really have shown an incredible side of life/dance/performance with these photos & with your writing. Wonderful stuff.


    1. Frankly speaking, we are so used to these ritual performances from our early childhood that, I don’t bother to take photos before.

      When we try to look at these from a tourist’s perspective, a whole new world opened up for photography, for me.

      I think it happens for people, when things are just taken for granted, right?


      1. With the internet your beautiful photos are also a way to introduce your world to others, not only tourists. And yes it is easy to take things in one’s own life for granted, and not see that outsiders could be interested, or even benefit from knowing another culture’s views and customs. So keep photographing those things. One day, they may no longer be happening, and you will have created a fascinating archive. Maybe they will inspire you to write some short stories to go with them?


        1. Hello Tish,
          I really value your advice and as you said, the indigenous cultures and ritualistic practices are dying out silently across the world.
          We are lucky to have a vibrant and a very old civilization here and I am more than happy to share the images and stories from this land with all wonderful people here.
          Have a beautiful day 🙂


  2. Sreejith, do you realize you are bringing to so many people a culture they don’t see or know about? These photographs are stunning and the “feel” of them are, how do I put it, mysterious. Thank you so much for bringing to us something we never see. With Love, Amy


    1. Hello Amy, how should I thank you for your relentless support.

      I have been seeing these ritual dance/folklore from the time I could remember, and it’s just something normal.

      But, the years I spent away from home, taught me a lot and I had started viewing things differently or I would say with the eyes of a curious kid.

      That really helped me to come up with images and stories that people in this wonderful forum could relate to and appreciate.

      I feel really proud too, in introducing all the unseen and unheard off things from this wonder place on earth, India 🙂


      1. You should feel proud, Sreejith, for that is a part of your heritage, plus you are giving so many an inside view of something we wouldn’t otherwise see. I find it fascinating to be able to see visually the ceremonies of other cultures. I would bet that every line painted on those dancers’ faces and bodies have meaning. In fact, I know they do. Bless you for enriching my life, my friend!!! Love, Amy


  3. Splendid series, Sreejith. The photography is just so beautiful, and you did very well with the colours. Love how you have captured the decorated faces, and everything of course.


    1. Thank you so much, Bente 🙂

      This ritual dance form is one of the most photogenic one I have ever seen, mainly due to the striking colors of the facial painting and other costumes.


        1. I am not quite sure about it, let me search for a theyyam calendar, I’ll share it.

          The real season of Theyyam is the summer months starting from February till mid May.


  4. Congrats Sreejith on the post.. And of course the photography is beyond words as always.. Your decision to blog was a great one…


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