47 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Paparazzi”

    1. Hello Mabel,

      It was a beautiful evening at ‘Lal Bagh’ botanical gardens in Bangalore 🙂

      As you know, macro photography is my wife’s area and I am not allowed there 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting 🙂

      Now a days, I am trying hard to come back to old form 🙂 Slowly but surely …

      Hope you are doing great 🙂

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    1. Dear Dalo, Thank you so much for your visit and kind words 🙂

      Now a days, with smart phones around, everyone has become a Paparazzi and hardly any room for privacy, right?

      As you said, even the insect world is not spared 🙂

      Hope you are doing great and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂


    1. I think we all have become paparazzi’s now a days 🙂

      Privacy is a serious concern in places frequented by tourists and even I do have doubts about taking photos of people on occasions …

      I think responsible tourism is an area, where more and more people are drawn to, now a days, right?

      Have a beautiful day ahead, Sue 🙂

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      1. You are so right Sreejith. I did a post this year after visiting Peru titled ‘Will Tourism Sink Peru’s Floating Islands?’. We love to travel but wonder to what detriment of those places we visit.

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        1. Now a days, lot of people have started thinking on this aspect and travelling more responsibly.

          The company with which I am working now is a pioneer in this area and feels good about the positive impact on people and environment 🙂

          The funny part is, once I started working in tourism field, I am not getting enough time for my photography 🙂

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  1. This photo, together with its title, made me laugh. Then it made me think about when it’s okay to intrude, even on wildlife. Certainly this bee goes about his workday without appearing bothered at all!

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    1. I just thought the lighter side of it, while coming up with this title 🙂

      But, as you mentioned, intrusion to privacy is a serious concern, now a days.

      Thank you so much for your visit and sharing your thoughts 🙂

      Have a beautiful day ahead 🙂


  2. Hey sreejith – I thought I left a comment but see it is not here – I had that happen a lot since I came back to blog world last month – anyhow – great title and such a great discussion in comments about the paparazzi – and side note – I actually was followed by some of them back in 2002 when we lived in northern. It was at first alarming and when I saw that two people were watching me with cameras – I called my boys to get over near me – and then a third guy came up and they all talked in a huddle and left! Ha! Nobody famous – lol – but it was alarming for a minute there.

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    1. You are absolutely right, Yvette, it keeps happening here in India as well, may be even more…

      With the mobile cameras all around, it’s hard to respond or react also.

      As I am working in a company, researching and implementing responsible tourism programs in India, this is one ‘relevant’ topic that we need to address as well.

      The funny this is, once I moved to this domain, I hardly get time to roam around and take photos 🙂

      Hope you are doing great and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂

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      1. Well there is an ebb and flow to life and your next season for more photos will come – and sometimes it is the time away that is really what we need – either for appreciation or for creativity or who knows what – but I really believe that sometimes God gives us exactly what we need (job wise – schedule wise- etc) because he sees things we need that we could never see – hm – anyhow – I hope you have a great day as well – and thx for the reply –

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        1. You are absolutely right, Yvette, I do follow this philosophy now a days…

          Do your duty/work sincerely and you will get rewarded for your work, in some form or other.

          That gives a lot of peace of mind and what more we need in life, right?


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