Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Containers, Nature’s best kept secrets

There is no dearth of secrets in nature which only gets revealed at the perfect time.

When it gets unveiled, it becomes a pleasant surprise for humans who looks at them with the eyes of a kid.

On a sunny summer evening my cousin and I were lucky to witness a small drama in front of our eyes, luckily I had my camera and there it is, for you guys….


This image is shared as part of the weekly photo challenge “Containers” and you could capture the real action getting unveiled in one of my previous post “There is a child in every one”.

You can have a look at my first entry to the challenge here for containers:Idangazhi


59 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Containers, Nature’s best kept secrets”

    1. You said it, “It’s pure magic from nature” 🙂 I was just lucky to be there at the right place and at the right time…

      Thank you so much, Tish, as always, for your support…


  1. Sreejith, this is awesome!!! Incredible!! Just wow!!! If more people would look with eyes of a child and with Love, this world would become a magical place! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. You are absolutely right, Amy 🙂

      Let’s try our best to spread the positive energy through our images and posts, at least…

      If each one tries according to his means, certainly we could feel the difference, right?


      1. I pray you are right, Sreejith, that the world many are creating in beauty will truly enable this world to come to order, to the One of Love. I know I work so hard to do this. Many days I get so discouraged. Yet, I keep going. As I know you are as well. Bless you. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank you so much for your insightful comments, Ken and Agnes 🙂

      We were so happy to find this seed pod and it almost literally exploded right in front of us.
      My cousin could really enjoy the time and with camera I had my moments too 🙂


  2. Splendid capture and post, Sreejith! 🙂

    My apologies for reasons I can’t figure out I was not following you. 😦 I did not unfollow you so it must be a glitch on WordPress.


    1. It’s so kind of you, Jackie to say that…

      It had happened with me too in a few cases.

      I always enjoyed your posts, there is something different in them and the creative side makes all the difference.

      Thank you so much, and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂


  3. Bravo! Much of Nature’s magic is lost because mankind is too busy being involved with its own concerns. But if a person takes the time away from the hub bub of everyday life then nature’s beauty and uniqueness becomes readily visible. Thanks for sharing.


    1. You are absolutely right, Gerry.

      If we just stop and look around once in a while during this fast forwarded life, our stress levels will be much lower.

      Nature is the best healer, I feel 🙂


  4. Simply Magical! What a super shot you took…I fall short of words to express my joy seeing this photo. You bring out the best of nature. Keep spreading joy among all of us in this manner only, Sreejith. Best wishes…!!!


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