Kerala, Photography

Time Travel…

Sacred groves of northern kerala have woken up from  the monsoon hibernation and it’s sleepless nights for the villagers from now on.

Dancing to the drum beats and fighting with fire, gods have descended to bless the land and drive away the demons from the villages and from our minds. 

It’s Theyyam time, one of the most intense the ritualistic art form of Kerala. 

In the image, a Theyyam group is crossing the river from one sacred grove to another marking the beginning of the season.

Welcome to Northern Kerala …

Kerala, Photography

When It Rains …

It is monsoon time here in Kerala, the land, blessed with stunning natural beauty. Where ever you look at, you could see thousands shades of green.

One more monsoon in the age of Covid, restricted movements and limited options to liberate yourselves.

When I got an opportunity to travel last week, I didn’t think twice and it was a much needed break indeed. Out in the wilderness, the feel was in-explainable, even with two layers of masking.

Let me share a mix of images and have a great weekend (or a week ahead) 🙂


Natural Selection …

It was a stressful week and moreover the overcast monsoon clouds didn’t help either. I needed to unwind myself and relax so badly …

The Monsoon rains took a break, Sun came out and the ambience changed all of a sudden.

There were birds all around in our garden and there comes butterflies too… I ran for my camera and followed the butterflies for hours. I was not bothered about the quality of the images but I was in tango with them…

There is nothing like spending time observing these winged beauties … best antidote to stress and boredom …

Have a beautiful weekend 🙂