62 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Take a Plunge”

  1. Hello my friend Sreejith!
    What an amazing photo, and I’m so honoured for your dedication 🙂
    Coincidentally, this theme strikes the same chord in my heart, because this year, I have also decided to ‘take the plunge’ on some personal goals. Thank you for the inspiration 🙂
    Warm wishes,

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      1. I can fully relate to that – sometimes you see the boundless enthusiasm of kids and you just want to drop everthing and join in, contrary to popular belief I don’t think we adults have lost the ability for childlike enthusiasm we just worry more what someone will think (oh and when doing things we used to do easily we suddenly realise our minds may remember the moves but our bodies have either forgotten or don’t bend quite that much any more – and the floor is further away:)…

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        1. You are absolutely right?

          I think, if we do not restrict the child within, by our conscious efforts, we won’t feel aged and life would be much more enjoyable 🙂

          More than the physical age, our mental age matters, right?

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        2. Hello – totally agree as well – I think age is as much a mind thing as anything else – I have met people in their 20ies who are already solidly stuck in their worldview – and people in their 70ies – or like my dad turning 80, who have a lively interest in everything from global politics to immigration to the financial markets – and who are happy to get into a car and just drive and find a hotel wherever at the end of the trip – it’s as much ones personality as one’s age that defines how we interact with the world!

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        3. Perfect 🙂

          I had this positive attitude all through my life, but feels a bit skeptical now a days 🙂

          I need to go back to my original frame of mind, as early as possible 🙂

          Thank you so much for spending your precious time 🙂

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        4. I have too – of course maybe it was more “believable” when we were 20 and now it might seem like we are adopting the attitude due to a refusal to age – I recently had friends of my parents over for dinner – they are in their 70ies – they talked about art, culture, music, museums, city trips, cultivating olives and communication in relationships 🙂 they are fun, entertaining well traveled and really lovely people. They sent me a message later saying – thanks for putting up with us oldies – I wrote back with the realisation that actually the evening with them was more interesting than with many 30 year olds, also when you always swim with the same school of fish the world becomes very uniformly coloured, if you hang out with fish living different lives – it puts stuff into perspective- at each age people have different challenges, and if you meet people your age the challenges are aired and worst case compared, which helps nobody, sometimes talking to people who have gone through stuff helps broaden your horizon, not just travel geographically but also travel in conversation with different age groups (you can see I like this topic 🙂 – younger as well, they see the world differently again, thanks for your time too!

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        5. I am just nearing the mid thirties and I could very well appreciate and relate to what you said here.

          Also, I feel, this is the best time of our life for anything. With a positive attitude and an open mindset, we could easily take a different turn and live life to the fullest 🙂

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        6. H Sreejith – mid 30ies is the perfect age – you are right – you can still change direction – if I look back though I have worked in so many different fields, related but not too much, lived in many countries, and as long as you are open and don’t mind leaving your friends behind you can reorient at many ages 🙂 Happy Wednesday

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  2. truly a work of art with the focus like this – and ’twas a surprise for me when I clicked on the larger image – and saw a second person in the water – what a joy-in-motion – ❤ ❤

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      1. yeah – how fun – and I read your other comment about the acrobatics – and a serious take away for me is the turquoise color here – very cool wordless wednesday shot…


        1. I shot this image from a really beautiful place, at a drive in beach, the longest one in India.

          And the kids were enjoying the warm waters of a small river joining the sea.

          Need to go back, with proper costume and take a plunge 🙂

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    1. Whether it’s a real word or not, I got, what exactly you mean, and may be we can say it’s been contributed to the English language by, Tina 🙂

      It was really wonderful, simply watching the kids in action and I had a great time photographing…

      Thank you so much for stopping by and Have a beautiful day 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Ash, for stopping by and leaving these encouraging comments 🙂

      It’s always great to capture kids, source of infinite positive energy, right?

      Have a beautiful day 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Sue 🙂

      It’s so refreshing to be back and enjoying the company of all you wonderful people 🙂

      I was traveling, taking photos, preparing for an exam(which is still going), and lot’s of personal work too… exhausted …

      There is a real shortage of positive energy too, as I was away from blogging 🙂

      Now, you got the reason, why I am back, right?

      Have a beautiful day…


    1. Thank you so much Dalo, so nice to see your comment 🙂

      Yes indeed, the kids were having great time in water and when I asked them to pose for a few shots, they were more than willing and simply enjoyed the whole action.

      Frankly, It was really tempting to play in the warm waters of this shallow beach, but I didn’t have a spare dress 😦

      I use Picasa for my basic image corrections and this time tried to use their default option,”Focus Zoom” and found it pretty effective .

      I am planning to go back there with some better gear and swimming costume 🙂


      1. Really a great shot ~ and I’ve been in similar situations before wanting to go for a swim without spare clothes…so a good option is something we call ‘skinny-dipping’ here in the States 🙂

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  3. (EN) When I watched your photo, I could plunge into it 😉 . I could even hear the sounds there.Magical photo.Thanks 🙂
    (IT) Quando ho guardato la tua foto,mi ci son potuta tuffare dentro ;-). Riuscivo persino a sentire i suoni .Foto magica.Grazie 🙂


    1. It was really tempting to take a plunge in water, but I didn’t have a swimming costume or any spare dress with me 🙂

      I know, Forthemo, for the child in each one of us, it’s really a refreshing image 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting 🙂

      Have a beautiful day…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember when you told me that you didn’t have any decent photo editing tools – well, I would never have known. I love the way how you capture those tall palm trees. They are almost your trade mark 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Paula for your kind words 🙂

      Yea, I use Picasa for my basic image corrections and this time found it pretty useful to check out the default, “Focal Zoom” option.

      The coconut trees are the trade mark of my native state, “Kerala”, even the name of this state has come this tree 🙂

      This place is short listed in National Geographic Traveler as one of the must explore places on earth, so a decent image is always guaranteed 🙂


  5. This is such a stunning shot. I loved what you did in post-processing. what you did with it (I don’t know what you did, focal zoom or some kind of effect) really amplifies the guy jumping high in the air.

    So much life in the photo too. It looks like the two guys are having a fun day in the water by the beach. I didn’t know people in India liked to play by the beach there – I always thought it was too hot.

    I loved how there is a colourful boat in the background. Makes the photo more happy than it already is. And you managed to make it not too distracting 🙂


    1. Bingo… you are right, Mabel… I used the ‘focal zoom’ option in ‘Picasa’ and the image looked much better once it’s applied 🙂

      I really have to go by your observation here, that people in India rarely swim in sea or enjoy the beach as much as people from western countries does.

      Frankly I was thinking about this question yesterday, after seeing a comment from ‘Paula’, why no body is swimming in the sea?

      With thousands of kilometers of beach and perfect climatic conditions…. a bit strange, I feel 🙂

      I have shot this image near my native place and there is one beautiful drive in beach, the longest one in India.

      There were hundreds of people and apart from the kids in the image, there was hardly any one really swimming and diving in sea…

      There is something to do with the mindset I feel, need to explore, for sure 🙂

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and it really made me think, why we Indian’s hardly play in Sea/beach?


      1. Ah, you use Picasa too. I edit most of my photos using that. It’s simple and very straightforward to use and doesn’t overheat my laptop.

        Maybe people in India don’t like to swim beside the beach because then they’ll be under the sun for a long time, and it’s a general consensus many in India don’t like getting a tan. If they do walk along the beach, maybe they are wearing long sleeved attire.

        Or maybe it’s because the sea water is dirty.

        The need to explore. That is so important. The more we explore, the more we learn. And the more we see the world 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, Suyash 🙂

      I was there in this beautiful beach with my brother and found these kids having great time in water.

      It was really fun watching them in action and too tempting to join 🙂

      I did have a beautiful weekend and celebrated Shivaratri last day 🙂

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    1. After some basic image corrections, I was just trying a few default option in “Picasa” and found the effects of “Focal Zoom” very catchy, so I saved it and shared across 🙂

      I am so happy to see all the positive responses here and thanks a lot for stopping by, Neoline 🙂


    1. Here I used a special effect option in Picasa, ‘Foal Zoom’ 🙂

      First time, I used this and found it very effective in this image…

      So glad, you liked this one, Indah 🙂


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