Karnataka, Kerala, Photography, Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Rule of Thirds

There is something really interesting about rules in Photography.

You don’t have to learn these rules and apply them. Once you start taking visually appealing images by practice, you would have already followed them unknowingly, “The Rule of Thirds” is one of the best example.

Let me share a few images taken during my travels in South India (Mainly Karnataka and Kerala).

Rule of Thirds

79 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Rule of Thirds”

  1. Agree – it’s automatic, although some people do like to place the horizon smack bang in the middle of a frame despite the fact this really is not generally good practice 🙂 – lovely lovely shots by the way – makes me want to visit immediately, especially the bottom image with the tree, where did you take that? Doesn’t look tropical – more meditteranean – did you buy your daughter a cake? Happy Sunday Sreejith

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes indeed 🙂

      There are no compromises here, I can mess around with my mom or wife, but not with daughter 🙂

      Really happy to see your comment here, Poli 🙂

      The first image was shot at a nice little hill station near Bangalore and I was so lucky that the sky was really stunning.

      Second one, the vast paddy fields, I took near a gorgeous waterfall in Karnataka.

      The third one is from my home place and near a fishing harbor.

      And the last one, is taken near a hill top temple in the middle of a tiger reserve in South India.

      India is so vast and diverse, Poli, and I am yet to explore even a fraction of this landmass.

      Have a beautiful day 🙂


      1. Dear Sreejith – how beautiful – thanks for telling me where you took the pictures .- I went to a tiger reservation in southern india if I recall correctly, although we saw elephants not tigers 🙂 – beautiful beautiful landmass indeed!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ohhh… you had been to South India?

          You would have been to either Bandipur or Ngarhole National parks…

          I also had a similar experience a few years back 🙂

          In latest tiger census, there is a huge rise in tiger population. So, next time you visit there is a better chance of spotting it 🙂


        2. Bandipur I think – the vegetation was stunning and honestly just driving through the reserve and seeing the deer and the elephants in their natural environment was good enough for me – happy with whatever nature shows me, – and now you mention it I did see tigers!!!!! How could I forget – they were quite a way away from the car, two of them together one running after the other, we saw them for a moment and then they were gone – thanks for bringing that memory back!

          Liked by 1 person

        3. You were really lucky then 🙂

          It’s so hard to see tigers in wild. We had taken a safari and managed to see only deers elephants and a few bison.

          But, one of my friend, while passing through the reserve in his car saw one tiger nearby and even took a photo with his mobile camera 🙂

          Yea, as you said, I just love to be there in the lap of nature and feel the smell and sights of the forest.

          Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂


  2. Love these photos!!!
    >> Once you start taking visually appealing images by practice, you would have already followed them unknowingly,
    Not sure I agree. Some of us (I am one of them) are easily get confused. Maybe it is the light that I like, maybe the color… You see, it would take me a while to figure it out and it’s so nice to be told. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In no way, I am against learning the rules/guidelines of photography and applying it while taking photos…

      I know, how much I improved my photography skills after joining this forum and observing the works of masters of this craft.

      I feel I wasted almost 4-5 years without learning anything in photography, but as I kept on practicing, I could easily make out and adjust to the rules and come up with better images.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Helen, I really appreciate it 🙂

      Have a beautiful day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Amy,

      Great to see you stopping by 🙂

      Hope you are doing great ….

      Yea, the philosophy is simple, share the beauty of the world in a most appealing manner…

      It’s been quite some time, since I checked your blog, let me explore it for all the missing action 🙂

      Have a beautiful day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So nice to see your comment, Jane 🙂

      I am really glad that you liked these images …

      India is so vast and diverse in landscape and culture, so it takes very less effort in capturing and sharing beautiful images 🙂

      Have a nice day…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful images, Sreejith. India is just so beautiful. I loved what you wrote at the top – that sometimes we take beautiful shots unknowingly. That is just comes naturally to us. I know I’m not much of a photographer, but sometimes when I pick up my camera and start shooting, I don’t think much and let instinct and the beauty of the world around me guide me 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful part of your world with us. Stunning landscape photography.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s exactly what I meant, Mabel 🙂

      All rules and guidelines are there in nature, we just need to discover them 🙂

      I have taken these images during my travels in South India and the landscape here is really beautiful.

      India is a vast nation and so diverse in landscape, we could find all kind of terrain in the world, in this country 🙂

      I have to really explore and photograph India first …

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support as always 🙂


      1. Rules and guidelines lie in nature. I like that. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with us, and for responding to all of us so meaningfully. Hope all is well with you my friend, and have a good weekend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely Intentionally 🙂

      I used to make the mistake of keeping the horizon right in the middle of my images and once I started experimenting I felt it’s better to give a larger portion of the frame to either land or sea.

      As I started observing the beautiful works of very talented photographers, I could see how they have used the frame for better visual appeal.

      Reading books and articles, this is the first lesson anyone could see and the first one to be followed as well.

      What I just wanted to share is, the rules are there in nature and all these are discovered by bright minds 🙂

      Thank you so much, Sue, for stopping by and your support 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Jeff, for stopping by and commenting 🙂

      It really feels great to find such an appreciative comment from some one whose work I adore 🙂

      The sky was so dramatic and shooting against light really helped in this image. This place is just outside Bangalore, where I used to work and a very popular destination for the city folks.

      Yea, Kerala climate is quite demanding for people who are not used to extreme humid conditions, even I used to get exhausted if I go out and walk for some time.

      Though I am from the same state, I have never been to Kochi before and I could find plenty of opportunities for photography in this historic city.

      I really wish you have a great time, if you ever plan to visit Kerala again 🙂

      Have a beautiful day


      1. Looking at the photo again, I see it differently. I was thinking it was the fishing nets in Kochi. My bad.

        I want to go back to India and visit the places I didn’t get to see, like Calcutta, the Northeast Territories, Sikkim, the Golden Temple, Chennai. This time I’ll be more prepared for the heat!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. May be you can start with the extreme heat of Chennai and then cool off in North East 🙂

          It would be a real treat for us, once you share your images from Sikkim and all 🙂

          Hope you get a chance to explore India soon 🙂


    1. You are so right, sometimes we need to “knowingly ignore this rule” for convenience or better results, right?

      It’s always great to see such appreciative comments from a talented artist like you, Noortje 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by and inspiring my blogging journey 🙂

      Have a beautiful day 🙂


  4. Rule of thirds are probably my most used rule out of all of photography’s rules…. It just makes a photo interesting and pleasant to look at.

    Great composition in your photos and love the light!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are absolutely right, Angeliqa 🙂

      I always felt, most of photography rules are set by nature to be discovered by us 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts 🙂


    1. So nice to see your comment, Derrick 🙂

      I am really happy that you liked these images ….

      I was really lucky with the first shot.
      As you know, the evening sky changes so fast, and I was at the right place at the right time 🙂

      Thank you so much for your appreciative comments, have a beautiful day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, the first and third shot are spectacular ~ and surprisingly it is not the incredible color of the sunset that does it but it is how you framed these shots… I think you say it well, rules are very important when beginning a new hobby/work/adventure, but after they are learned and understood they become second nature…and I think that allows us to manipulate them as we grow as photographers. Very well done Sreejith!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Dalo, for sharing your thoughts 🙂

      I was really lucky to be there at the right time when I got those images, the sky was so dramatic and saturated with colors.

      Only thing I had to was to frame it 🙂

      The first photo was taken at a hill top near Bangalore and the third was in a beach near my home place.

      Still, I need to learn quite a lot of basic rules and conventions in photography and practice it 🙂


      1. It is important to understand the rules…for when you know the rules it becomes habit and a part of who you are as a photographer, as it also allows you to bend and break the rules to suit what it is your creative eye sees. That is when you can really begin expressing yourself with photography, something you do quite well 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. There is no short cut for earning a name and fame in a craft, right?

          I am learning so much by observing the works of masters here.

          Thank you so much, Dalo, for your guidance… 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Frankly, there’s nothing much I could do about these images, rather than framing it properly and sharing with you all 🙂

      The sky was so beautiful and colors were really saturated.

      Like always, it’s great to hear from you, Indah 🙂


    1. India is so vast and diverse … both geographically and in it’s culture 🙂

      I am more than happy to share the stories and images from this ancient land…

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting 🙂


    1. Green fields are vanishing fast from our beloved Kerala, right?

      I took this photo near ‘Malavalli’, on our route to Sivanasamudra falls 🙂

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Shail 🙂


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