53 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Innocence”

  1. Hey sreejith! The innocence is felt and so is joy and kindness!
    Something about the eyes and the soft lines….
    And the turban (if that is what they are called) the color and stiching add interest.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Yvette,

      So nice to see your comment here 🙂

      As you rightly mentioned, the color of the turban was really catchy and it was something that caught my attention too.

      I met him near the Gangotri temple in the Himalayas and he seemed to be from a Sherpa community, who works as porters and guides during expeditions and treks in the mountains.

      The mountain people are known for their warm behavior though they have to negotiate all kinds of hardships in their daily life.

      I can never forget the way he responded to my request to pose for a moment,
      I could feel the innocence, kindness and warmth in those moments and not just capturing a few photographs…

      You are doing the same with your kind words and appreciative comments, Yvette 🙂

      Hope you are doing great and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello – and sorry to just be getting back – and thanks for the info – I think what you said and the photo show that it is true what they say – a man’s face reveals so much – 😉

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  2. Top notch portrait, Sreejith. That man may have seen many days and nights with lines around his eyes and forehead, but there looks like there is something youthful and innocent about him, twinkles in both eyes. He looks delighted to stare down the barrel of your lens 🙂

    I really like the warm tones in this image too. It sort of reminds me of the brighter side of life, and when we feel young and feel like we’re having fun, the world around us lights up 🙂


    1. You said it Mabel 🙂

      Though the colorful turban was the first thing that caught my attention, I was totally surprised to see the response from him, when I requested to take his photos.

      There was a twinkle in his eyes and he was so happy and calm while I clicked.

      My strong assumption from his looks was, he’s from the sherpa community of Nepal. They work as a porters for the people who ventures for the trekking in the high Himalayas, carrying things weighing 50-60 kg.

      When I showed him his images on my camera display, he was really happy 🙂

      That was my reward 🙂

      Thank you so much for your time and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂


      1. It is so nice that he let you take his photo. You must be very friendly and approachable, taking portraits like these. True mark of an artist – connecting with others around them 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Meg 🙂

      I found this person in the high Himalayas and he seemed to be from the community who works as porters.

      Though he leads a hard life, his attitude towards life and expressions were extremely positive …

      It was a trip from which I learned quite a lot of life’s lessons 🙂

      Have a beautiful day ahead 🙂


    1. Absolutely…

      I really wanted to be away from everyone and everything I am attached to… so that I could really feel, what I really missed.

      I went to the Himalayas with my cousin and most of time I was alone, as he had his smart phone as company 🙂

      A few days tough trekking at high altitude with no connectivity was truly a life changing experience for me and I could clearly get what I valued most.

      I could connect with some truly innocent and genuine people and it was great to photograph them, their smiles had a soothing effect on me.

      I came back with an even better mindset and lot of positive energy 🙂

      Thank you so much for your time and kind words, Dalo 🙂


      1. Sounds simply perfect Sreejith. It seems harder to connect with life/nature these days and I love to hear from people who have been able to connect with “real life” as it does re-energize the soul. Cheers ~

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