Photography, Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC: Mirror, The Hidden Personality

Let me take this week’s theme “Mirror” literally…

Hidden Personality-1

I shot this photo some 7-8 years back at a really interesting place in South India, called Rameshwaram

The place is known for it’s unique landscape, historic and mythological significance.

Being a small island there is no shortage of seashells here and the local community makes a living by selling craft items made out of it.

But the place has a tragic past, once a flourishing tourist and pilgrimage town, it was razed to ground by a devastating cyclone and the associated tidal waves in 1964. Now, no one lives here …


27 thoughts on “WPC: Mirror, The Hidden Personality”

  1. Mirror shot, literally. These mirrors look one of a kind. So clear, and the seashells over each of it give each one their own individual touch. Now, if I am correct, it looks like you are in the red shirt, standing right in front of the mirrors taking a shot 🙂 Very clever to have hidden your face from view 🙂

    Sad to hear what happened of the town. It sounded like a lovely place when it was up and about. Who knows, maybe one day it may return to its former self. With people like you passing by, it may give the town new life 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are absolutely right, Mabel, now a new road is being built till the tip of the land and that will bring in lot of changes 🙂

      But, we will lose that adventure trip, through bushes, sandy and marshy paths…

      In fact, the image in the mirror is of my brother and I even cropped the image to suit the title 🙂

      Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your visit and sharing your thoughts 🙂

      I could see a strong possibility of an age old connection here 🙂

      Southern Indian kingdoms had a great trade relationship with many south east Asian countries, even a 1000 year back and many a temples in Cambodia and Laos are influenced by the temple architecture in India.

      Seeing your comment, I feel like reading more about this topic 🙂

      Have a beautiful day 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this image, Inger 🙂

      Though there is a sad story behind the place, it’s well known for it’s place in the Indian epic of ‘Ramayana’, where a bridge is built to connect India and Sri Lanka …

      Have a beautiful day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Della 🙂

      This place is really special for it’s unique landscape and it’s place in Indian Mythology.

      One of the major event in the Epic ‘Ramayana’ happened here 🙂

      Have a beautiful day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Artistic capture of the shell Art 🙂 The angle in which the photograph was taken has given it a different dimension and made it unique. Sad to hear the tragic story of Nature’s wrath. We humans are so feeble to this mighty force.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, Sarmistha, but still we think and act like we are the masters of this universe, right ?

      This place is unique and worth exploring for sure… when we went, there was no road to Dhanushkody, but now one is being built.

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful and observant comments 🙂


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